Please be assured that Bristol House is taking the coronavirus threat very seriously. For the protection of our patients, staff, and the public, we have adapted the recommended health authority policies that you can read about here: Warning for Visitors | Long Term Care Facility (LTCF) Visitation Guidance. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has released information that individuals with who are older and/or have severe chronic medical conditions — such as heart, lung or kidney disease — appear to be at higher risk for more serious COVID-19 illness. They are advising this higher risk population to take heightened precautions: stay home, limit close contact (6 feet, 2 meters) in public places, and avoid crowds. When going to public places, people in this risk category should distance themselves from others who are sick, limit close contact with others, and wash their hands frequently. With all of this being said we are asking that NOBODY visits their loved ones until further notice. We are taking these safety measures to prevent any possible exposure to your loved ones. We appreciate your patience and cooperation at this time. We will keep everyone updated via email, so please keep checking your email for any updates. Please feel free to contact me at (267)-615-3779.
The mission of Bristol House Memory Care is to provide excellent care to residents and offer peace-of-mind to family members. Our vision is to be the memory care community of choice for families affected with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. In the spirit of open communication, we work together with families to create a culture at Bristol House Memory Care based on respect and dignity for all individuals. Our expertise in advanced care practices and commitment to ongoing training ensures that we will provide unsurpassed quality of care.